Hello and welcome back to our new, and may I say much improved website, thanks to http://www.featherstonemedia.co.uk/ We, well I, decided I would start a blog to connect with you all more and share the latest tips and advice from the plumbing/ heating world.
So, most of you will know Laz, he is the lead engineer who does all the hard work and has an amazing team with him. My name is Meg, I manage the office and really enjoy the humdrum of the trade. I came from a teaching background and somehow landed up here and I must say, I have loved getting to know about this trade and am still learning lots every day. What I am really enthusiastic about is, moving forward into a greener eco-friendlier environment. I think we all must feel that as things are now, we have to start to make little changes and try to do our little bit in our own way. We decided at mekkmaster to move into the future and start to explore all the new possibilities, which there are quite a lot, of more efficient, greener heating and plumbing systems. I find it fascinating that something that we all basically need living in this country, Heating, can now actually be ok to use with the new options available and we don’t have to have that sinking feeling which kind of does niggle a little at us all.
So, what I am going to be doing in my blogs is bring you all the up-to-date news from around the world regarding positive changes with this archaic system we still use. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think it will be without a few hitches here and there and it may not even seem as good as our old reliable heating systems or plumbing fixtures but, this is undeniably at the forefront of change and they are perfecting things continuously even though we may have to suffer a few hiccups. I’d like to interact with you all and would love you to comment on what I write as we are all moving into new territory so we can move together and air our views and share stuff.
Anyway, before I go off and start to explore new systems, let’s just get back to reality and as the cold, chilly nights are now upon us once again (Yaaay!😉) we must be aware of turning our sleepy old boilers on after the summer. Have a good read of this link, there are some very useful tips and explanations.
The Future of New Build Heating in 2025, 2050 and Beyond | Ideal Heating
Well, that is my first blog and at least now you know a little about who’s writing the blogs and who Mekkmaster are.
Mekkmaster Heating
86 Broxholm Rd, Norwood
London, SE27 0BT
07912 985589
07831 072906
Opening Hours
Mon-Fri: 8:00-18:00
Sat: 8:00-13:00
Sun: Closed